Trimble Inpho software

ApplicationMaster- is the system kernel, which provides interaction with other system modules and user interface.

MATCH-AT (the aerial triangulation module):

  • the automatic triangulation for all types of frame aerial imagery;
  • processing of large units of data consisting of several thousand frames of photos;
  • expanded capabilities for subunit processing;
  • automatic support of all types of INS/GPS systems of all leading manufactures;
  • expanded capabilities of output-data analysis;
  • using of available DTM for preparing the more accurate set of binding points.

MATCH-T DSM (the module of automatic DTM generation):

  • the automatic DTM generation for independent areas of interest;
  • building of the regular DTM with the aid of series iterations method;
  • using of object-oriented methods for correlation and stable interpolation of DTM;
  • using of available DRM for the more accurate automatic building of DTM;
  • various algorithms of DTM building for various terrain types.

DTM Toolkit:

  • surface simulation;
  • building of horizontals;
  • data classification/filtration;
  • automatic generation of summary for DRM;

DTM-Master (DTM editing):

  • measurement and editing of coordinates belonging to line and point objects;
  • opportunity to process very large volumes of data;
  • support of the most data formats (DXF, ASCII XYZ, ESRI/Shape, LAS, and WINPUT);
  • automatic filtration of DTM;
  • simulation of bridges, buildings and other artificial structures.

OrthoMaster (the module of orthophoto generation):

  • generation of true-ortho (with the aid of the OrthoVista module);
  • ortho-transformation of space photos (taken with the aid of such satellites as IKONOS, QuickBird, Spot, Landsat, IRSC/D, Aster, Cartosat and ALOS);
  • opportunity to process practically any formats of the relief information representation;
  • data processing in the batch mode.

OrthoVista (the tool for generation of mosaics and orthophotos):

  • algorithms of automatic definition of cut and joining lines provided with radiometric correction within the block of images;
  • automatic correction and color smoothing of individual images, balancing of color and intensity for mosaic on the whole;
  • automatic correction and color smoothing of individual images, balancing of color and intensity for mosaic on the whole;
  • import/export of data about lines of cuts;
  • support of the most data formats, namely, GeoTIFF, TIFF/TFW, Zeiss inp, Vision RPT, ERS etc.;
  • support of multi-spectral images;
  • data processing in the batch mode.

InBlock (the module of equalizing photogrammetry networks) makes it possible to combine other kinds of equipment and aerial-imagery types.

Advantages of Inpho software:

  • Full-functional photogrammetry system
  • The higher performance at the expense of:
    • high speed of processing
    • high level of automation
    • optimized usage of hardware facilities
    • opportunity of data processing in the batch mode
  • Using of program modules as means for finding well-balanced independent solutions
  • High reliability at the expense of inner quality control
  • High reliability at the expense of inner quality control
  • Flexibly adjustable system components
  • Support of processing of wide spectrum of digital data
  • High geometric accuracy, strict recording of structural lines and artificial structures (buildings, bridges etc.)
  • Fast data processing at the expense of their structure optimization
  • User-friendly software, which makes considerable preliminary preparation unnecessary.