Terrasolid- software ror point cloud and image processing

The software offers a range of software to cover the whole production cycle from calibrating and matching raw data to the creation of final 3D vector models, ortho photos and terrain representations, advanced visualizations of point clouds, etc., regardless of the data source and sensor.

The TerraScan, TerraModeler, TerraPhoto, TerraMatch application work in the CAD-systems environment from Bentley Systems.

TerraScan — is the main application in the Terrasolid Software family for managing and processing LiDAR point clouds. It offers import and project structuring tools for handling the large amount of points of a laser scanning campaign as well as the corresponding trajectory information. Various classification routines enable the automatic filtering of the point cloud. The results from the automatic classification can be refined by using half-automatic and manual classification tools in combination with versatile 3D point cloud visualization options.

TerraScan supports several import and export formats, including the LAS format, TerraScan Binary and TerraScan Fast Binary formats, as well as ASCII formats that can be defined according to the users' needs.

TerraModeler creates surface models (TINs) from various sources, such as LiDAR points stored in binary files or loaded in TerraScan, XYZ ascii files and graphical design elements. The software offers versatile visualization options including colored shaded surfaces, contour lines, grids, colored triangle nets, elevation texts, slope directions and textured surfaces (in combination with TerraPhoto).

Additional functionality includes the production of contour lines and lattice models in batch processing, modification of the TIN, creation of profiles, calculation of volumes, calculation of elevation or volume differences between two surface models, several labeling options as well as other tools for design purposes. Completed with various export options, TerraModeler is a versatile tool for many kinds of design and modeling tasks.

TerraMatch — is a sophisticated tool for improving the accuracy and quality of the raw laser point cloud. It compares laser data from overlapping flight or drive paths and calculates correction values for the misalignment angles as well as xyz location errors. The comparison and correction value calculation can be either based on surface matching or on different types of tie lines. TerraMatch must be accompanied by TerraScan.

TerraMatch is used in conjunction with TerraScan.