Photogrammetric and cartographic equipment
Stereoscopic display Planar StereoMirror SD2220

Engineering specifications:
Pixel format | 1080 HD |
Monitor screen resolution | 1920 x 1080 |
Number of mega-pixels | 2,1 |
Step of pixels | 0,248 (102 lpi – lines per inch) |
Visible size | 22 inches (55.9 cm) diagonally |
Palette | 16 million colors |
Stereo-brightness | 85 Candela/m² |
Response time | 5 ms |
Refresh rate | 56-75 Hz |
Interface | 24-pin DVI |
Dimensions (Length x Width x Height) | 588 mm x 519 mm x 631 mm. |
Advantages of this type of stereo-monitor::
- Application of the StereoMirror™ innovation technology
- Convenient enlarged ergonomics
- Opportunity of operation without glares
- Wide angle of viewing
- High image contrast
- Opportunity for working of several users
- Using of Windows DirectX stereo-modes or OpenGL applications
Trimble Inpho software
A full-featured photogrammetric system for solving all standard problems of digital photogrammetry, including aerial triangulation, work with relief, ortho-transformation, vectorization, etc. INPHO is rightly considered one of the best among a variety of photogrammetric applications.

ApplicationMaster- is the system kernel, which provides interaction with other system modules and user interface.
MATCH-AT (the aerial triangulation module):
- the automatic triangulation for all types of frame aerial imagery;
- processing of large units of data consisting of several thousand frames of photos;
- expanded capabilities for subunit processing;
- automatic support of all types of INS/GPS systems of all leading manufactures;
- expanded capabilities of output-data analysis;
- using of available DTM for preparing the more accurate set of binding points.
MATCH-T DSM (the module of automatic DTM generation):
- the automatic DTM generation for independent areas of interest;
- building of the regular DTM with the aid of series iterations method;
- using of object-oriented methods for correlation and stable interpolation of DTM;
- using of available DRM for the more accurate automatic building of DTM;
- various algorithms of DTM building for various terrain types.
DTM Toolkit:
- surface simulation;
- building of horizontals;
- data classification/filtration;
- automatic generation of summary for DRM;
DTM-Master (DTM editing):
- measurement and editing of coordinates belonging to line and point objects;
- opportunity to process very large volumes of data;
- support of the most data formats (DXF, ASCII XYZ, ESRI/Shape, LAS, and WINPUT);
- automatic filtration of DTM;
- simulation of bridges, buildings and other artificial structures.
OrthoMaster (the module of orthophoto generation):
- generation of true-ortho (with the aid of the OrthoVista module);
- ortho-transformation of space photos (taken with the aid of such satellites as IKONOS, QuickBird, Spot, Landsat, IRSC/D, Aster, Cartosat and ALOS);
- opportunity to process practically any formats of the relief information representation;
- data processing in the batch mode.
OrthoVista (the tool for generation of mosaics and orthophotos):
- algorithms of automatic definition of cut and joining lines provided with radiometric correction within the block of images;
- automatic correction and color smoothing of individual images, balancing of color and intensity for mosaic on the whole;
- automatic correction and color smoothing of individual images, balancing of color and intensity for mosaic on the whole;
- import/export of data about lines of cuts;
- support of the most data formats, namely, GeoTIFF, TIFF/TFW, Zeiss inp, Vision RPT, ERS etc.;
- support of multi-spectral images;
- data processing in the batch mode.
InBlock (the module of equalizing photogrammetry networks) makes it possible to combine other kinds of equipment and aerial-imagery types.
Advantages of Inpho software:
- Full-functional photogrammetry system
- The higher performance at the expense of:
- high speed of processing
- high level of automation
- optimized usage of hardware facilities
- opportunity of data processing in the batch mode
- Using of program modules as means for finding well-balanced independent solutions
- High reliability at the expense of inner quality control
- High reliability at the expense of inner quality control
- Flexibly adjustable system components
- Support of processing of wide spectrum of digital data
- High geometric accuracy, strict recording of structural lines and artificial structures (buildings, bridges etc.)
- Fast data processing at the expense of their structure optimization
- User-friendly software, which makes considerable preliminary preparation unnecessary.
NFrames Sure software
SURE Aerial is specifically designed for aerial image datasets captured with large frame nadir cameras, oblique cameras and hybrid systems with additional LiDAR sensors. Without limitation in image resolution, it empowers the production of 3D Meshes, True Orthophotos, Point Clouds and Digital Surface Models.

- Fully automatic workflow of generation tiled DSMs, True Orthophotos and Meshes.
- The ability to define a region of interest - allows to process the most essential elements of projects and take control of the time and efficiency of production.
- Generation of colorized DSMs.
- Efficient visualization of large datasets through from optimized level-of-detail and streaming formats for web-visualization (cesium, ESRI slpk, osgb, obj, collada).
UltraMap AT software
This program module performs the aerial triangulation operation and is included into the program package intended for computer-aided processing of the primary data received with the aid of aerial photographic cameras belonging to the UltraCam family. It can be used as a standalone module with capabilities to import/export data from/into the most of exchange formats.

- High performance at the expense of clustering and efficient usage of computational resources of equipment
- Applying up-to-date mathematical algorithms for doing calculation and their permanent improvement
- Applying Bingo program modules for doing calculation
- Original, non-standard and efficient programming tools of interface
- Unique methods of visualization and interactive elements
- Compatibility with all popular photogrammetry programs.
Digitals software
Digitals is the software developed by the Ukrainian Company named as “Geosystema” Scientific-and-Production Enterprise”. The mentioned program is intended for creating/updating topographic and special maps and for publication of maps, city cadastre preparation and land management, as well as for solving engineering and applied problems. It gives unlimited opportunities for creating, editing and viewing digital maps.

This program product consists of three basic components:
- Digitals Standard – – the initial program version, which includes basic performance capabilities, namely, creation of digital maps in conventional signs, reading and writing of the In4 format and other formats, relief simulation, calculation of areas and volumes, and printing of state acts, and other graphic documents.
- Digitals Professional – the additional program, which makes it possible to process raster images as well as store maps in the SQL-server and arrange simultaneous multi-user access to them
- Delta/Digitals – the software of digital photogrammetry station (DPS), which make it possible to perform photogrammetry processing of findings received after aerial photographic imagery. It is based on the Digitals cartographic kernel that can conduct stereoscopic measurements
- Geodesy, cartography, photogrammetry, and land management are integrated into one program
- Compatibility and universality
- The universal software platform with vast set of photos
- Loading of satellite photos from Google Maps and Virtual Earth
- Inserting data into the selected map and joining of multitude of rasters
- The multi-user mode of operation
- Means of rich-edit control for maps and plans
- Program expandability
- Representation of maps in 3D view
- The semiautomatic vectorizer
- Localization for Ukraine
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